Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blog #0: Intro to Heather

Howdy! My name is Heather Thompson, and here is a bit  more information about myself.
 I am pictured here with my Yorkshire Terrier Brodie.
E-mail address:
Class Standing: 2013 - 4th year Senior
Why are you taking this class?: I have elected to take this course because the idea of improving human interaction with computers fascinates me. Learning that CHI or HCI can be considered more of a means of facilitating human to human interaction really excites me, and makes me that much more sure that I have made the right decision by chosing this course.
What experience do you bring to this class?: I have worked as a part time software developer for a small (but very quickly growing) custom software consulting company called CAPSHER Technology for the last 2 and a half years. I have programmed in a multitude of languages and have at times been involved in the user interface planning process for projects.
What are your professional life goals?: I would love to continue my career as a custom software developer, but perhaps at a larger company.
What are you personal life goals?: My personal goals are simple because I like to take one day at a time (but still have a plan for the future). Currently, I want to stop biting my nails so that my nails look great on my Aggie Ring Day, November 9th! Whoop! I would also like to do my very best as an Executive Committee Member of the Aggie Orientation Leader Program, and also as a Manager of Theatre Operations for MSC OPAS.
What do you want to do after you graduate?: I am the type of person who plans for everything, and I have a 10 year plan (but I do realize that things can change). I would like to get married, work for 3-5 years in a position like the one that I currently hold, have or adopt children and stay at home with them until they go off to school, then teach Computer Science at the high school level.
What do you expect to be doing in 10 years?: As I said, I expect to be teaching high school Computer Science and raising children.
What do you think will be the next biggest technological advancement in Computer Science?: I think that the next big advancement in Computer Science will be something like machines that are capable of decision making.
If you could travel back in time, who would you like to meet and why?: As difficult a decision as this is, I believe that I would choose to meet Theodor Seuss Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss. I would love to learn about his love and enthusiasm for children and teaching them. I know that there are certainly far more sophisticated answers to this question, but I believe that it is important to have whimsy in your life every day. By making a more "mature" decision, I might shatter my images of the people I look up to in history, and I have no desire to do that. I really do believe that ignorance is bliss in many situations.
Describe your favorite shoes and why they are your favorite.: My favorite shoes are a pair of pink and black converse tennis shoes. They are not the traditional chucks, but more like a running shoe, and are made of an awesome mesh-y material. I received these shoes as a Christmas present when I was in the 5th grade, so they have been with me through a lot. They are my "lucky shoes", and I wear them in all situations in which i could use a little confidence boost (when they are appropriate, of course).
If you could be fluent in any foreign language that you're not already fluent in, which one would it be and why?: I would love to be fluent in German, because my boyfriend's family is from Germany, and it would be great to be able visit there and learn more about his history.
Give some interesting fact/story about yourself: During Gig 'Em Week of my very first year of college, just after getting back from Fish Camp, I got a tattoo on my foot. The part of this story that I sometimes omit in order to make it look like I am much more a "rebel: then I truly am is that my dad and I had been designing the tattoo for the last 3 years, and I had it done as a surprise for him for his birthday. He and I plan to get matching Aggie T-star tattoos when i graduate from A&M.

1 comment:

  1. And suppose that you lived
    In that forest in France
    Where the average young person
    Just hasn't a chance
    To escape from the perilous
    Pants eating plants!
    (Dr Seuss - Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? 1973)
